Mehr Bäume auf den Acker!

Wir schaffen diverse Ökosysteme

Wir sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein mit dem Ziel Flächen nachhaltig aufzuforsten um CO2 aus der Atmosphäre zu binden. Wir sammeln Spenden zum Kauf von Grundstücken, Jungpflanzen, Werkzeug und Zubehör um langfristige Forstsysteme zu entwickeln.

Wir konnten im vergangenen Jahr bereits ca. 21.000€ Spendeneinnahmen generieren und starten dieses Jahr mit dem ersten Projekt.

Leisten auch Sie einen Beitrag und Spenden Sie jetzt!

How it works is so simple

Download The App

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Set up Your Goals

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Start Working Out

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Workout videos for any level & goal

Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose weight, or simply stay in good health, you can find a variety of workout videos of top class trainers at any level. Get workout plan recommendations designed specifically for your needs, and smash your fitness goals.
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Amazing Results

“I started working out at home with the Apexgoal app three months ago and I already see amazing results. I follow the workout plan the app designed for me and it works!“
Patricia J.
“I love this app! Super intuitive interface and great workout videos. The best thing about it is that I no longer need to go to the gym. Working out from home is so much better.“
James H.
“I used to go train at the gym for many years, but always got distracted and did not follow any plan. With the app, I’m more focused on my goal and get much better results “
Lora R.

Join the

Download our app and get in the best shape you’ve ever been in, from the comfort of your home!

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